
Satoshi Manor Chapter 10

My Life as an Art Installation

It’s only just occurred to me that my entire life - as I’ve dramatically overshared and created non-stop - has actually been nothing so much as it has been one big public art installation. Maybe it’s the revelation of finally having my house and deciding to make it not only a reflection of myself but also one huge art project - but as big an art project as it might be - the art project that is my life dwarfs it.

Everyone’s life is an art project when it comes down to it, but for the past twenty-five years, mine has been held out on a platter, asking the world to see it. I hope you see it. From my books to my painting to my films to my photography to my blogging and social media. I’m not unique in doing any of this, but I may be unique in the level of output and the uncomfortable amount of oversharing I’ve done. I hope that someday, someone really sees it, understands what I am doing, and why I am doing it. So far, I don’t think that has happened, but I can’t stop now.

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